sábado, 12 de outubro de 2013

Japão, né? Monstros de palha

Nas áreas rurais de Kagawa e Niigata, no Japão, o pessoal adora construir monstros de palha, sobras da colheita de arroz.
Monstros? Exagero, são umas gracinhas.
É diversão para eles, mas para mim também é arte:

Japan's Straw Beasts Are Huge, Wonderful, and Highly Flammable

Japan's Straw Beasts Are Huge, Wonderful, and Highly Flammable

Japan's Straw Beasts Are Huge, Wonderful, and Highly Flammable

Japan's Straw Beasts Are Huge, Wonderful, and Highly Flammable

Japan's Straw Beasts Are Huge, Wonderful, and Highly Flammable

Japan's Straw Beasts Are Huge, Wonderful, and Highly Flammable

Japan's Straw Beasts Are Huge, Wonderful, and Highly Flammable

Japan's Straw Beasts Are Huge, Wonderful, and Highly Flammable

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