sábado, 10 de novembro de 2012

As espécies mais ameaçadas (2)

Mais espécies muito ameaçadas, da sétima à 13ª:

Orquídea subterrânea da Austrália Ocidental

Around 95% of the West Australian underground orchid's natural habitat has been destroyed leading to estimates that less than 100 exist in the wild.
Menos de 50 ainda existem
Rinoceronte de Java

The Javan rhino was once found in forests across Southeast Asia, but today less than 100 remain in the Kulon National Park in Java. Their horns are prized in traditional medicine and can fetch up to $30,000 on the black market.
Pagavam mais de 100 mil reais pelo seu chifre. Agora só sobram cem, num parque nacional


Habitat loss, poaching and competition with livestock have left the wild Hirola population in dire straits. Less than 1,000 are left in southeast Kenya and southwest Somalia.
Menos de mil sobreviventes desta espécie de antílope do Quênia e Somália

Found in Mauritius, destruction of its natural habitat and invasive species are pushing this plant to the brink of extinction.
Destruição de seu habitat está levando esta planta das Ilhas Maurício à\ extinção

Carpa Aci

A few hundred pairs of this small fish can be found only in small springs around Lake Aci in Turkey.
Apenas alguns casais deste peixinho sobrevivem em pequenos lagos na Turquia
Morcego de cauda bordada

Found in two small caves on Silhouette and Mahe, Seychelles, it is thought to be only up to 100 mature individuals of this rare bat species left.
Cem adultos em apenas duas cavernas nas Seychelles
Rinoceronte de Sumatra

Less than 250 Sumatran rhino exist in the wild and can be found in decreasing locations across Indonesia and Malaysia.
Menos de 250 indivíduos, população em queda

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